Saturday, March 14, 2020

5 Steps to Finding Success on Your Job Hunt

5 Steps to Finding Success on Your Job HuntStruggling to find a job? Starting to despair? Feel like youre doing all of the right things, but still elend getting results? Its possible that you are doing all the right things. But there are a few extra tricks you could still try to give yourself a little edge and improve your prospects on the job hunt. googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display(div-gpt-ad-1467144145037-0) ) 1. Restrain yourselfIf youre obviously overqualified for a lokalitt, resist the temptation to send your resume in anyway. Youll look desperate. Youll feel desperate. And the employer will toss your resume at first glance. If its obvious to you its obvious to them. Theyll be worried that youll leave for a better opportunity at the drop of a hatand, lets face it, theyre probably right.2. Future-fit your resumeDont make your resume a simple list of where youve been and what youve done. Target it for the job youre looking for, not the ones youve had. And craft it i ndividually for each position you apply for. Reframe your skills and experience to be a perfect fit. Describe your hintergrund and interests in terms this company will jump about. (When in doubt, study the job description and the companys mission statement for clues.)3. Never assumeYou know what they say to assume is to make an a** out of u and me. So dont expect a recruiter or hiring manager to read between the lines of your resume. If you havent spelled it out as clearly and concisely as possibleenough to be noticed in a quick skimthen youre assuming theyll put more work into reviewing your application than they ever will.4. Branch outDont ignore a potential connection because you dont think theyre directly in a position to help you. You never know who will be your next link to your big fish. Dont underestimate or overlook anyone. The world is wide and the broader your network, the better your odds.5. Dont advertiseIts one thing to tell close circles of contacts and friends that y oure looking for a job. Its another to broadcast it and have to conduct the rest of your search under the scrutiny of your entire social network. Instead, be savvy with your social media. Publicize any transition skill/new qualifications or certifications on LinkedIn. And start being a resource for current trends and information in your other feeds. If people start to see you as an asset, they might think of you spontaneously and come to you first with new opportunities.

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